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Fresh Beginnings


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Proudly supporting Canadian businesses

* on fruit purees

Bright valley is dedicated to supplying a wide range of seedless fruit purees, frozen fruit and juices to suit your needs

From IQF to fresh sourced, we supply the premium ingredients you need at the price you want

We stand out through our commitment to sustainability and product excellence by giving Canadian microbreweries a chance to switch to a greener product with no sacrifice on quality

Product Range

Explore our wide variety of frozen fruits, fruit purees and frozen juices 

Private Import Available upon request

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Frozen Seedless Fruit Purees

​Discover our large variety of frozen seedless fruit purees. Always 100% pure fruit

Made out of perfectly ripe IQF certified fruits , we offer consistency and quality across all our products.

Aseptic Seedless Fruit Purees

Shelf stable but kept frozen, our variety of seedless aseptic fruit puree is a new approach to the market. They provide an exceptional quality with all the safety requirements you need while being a better alternative without a higher price


Simply perfect

Tropical Fruits
Colorful Fruits

Frozen Fruits

Our small variety of frozen fruits and crumbles are all GFSI certified and are selected with high standards.

We provide competitive prices with no compromises on quality and services

Cold Pressed Juices

Our large variety of cold pressed juice are the backbones of our fighting food waste program 

Made with perfectly imperfect fruits, they provide a greener and cheaper alternative to classic cold juices and give your company the option to join the cause


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